
Witch series #2

  1. Seasonal witch (Rainy season witch) 2021.05.03 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  2. Hippie witch 2021.05.09 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  3. Nanny / Maid witch 2021.06.01 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  4. Time witch 2021.06.04 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  5. Blacksmith witch 2021.08.24 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  6. Police / Detective witch 2021.09.02 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  7. Casino witch
  8. Wonderland witch
  9. Glass/Mirror witch
  10. The three fates
  11. Ice skater witch
  12. Sphinx
  13. Superhero witch
  14. Cowboy/Sheriff witch
  15. Plush dolly witch
  16. Cyber punk witch
  17. Forest spirit witch
  18. Store clerk witch
  19. Carpenter witch
  20. Genie of the lamp
  21. Super villain witch
  22. Valkyrie
  23. Scientist witch
  24. Solarpunk witch
  25. Masquarade witch
  26. Tropical island witch
  27. Showgirl witch
  28. Florist witch
  29. Victorian era witch
  30. Dream/illusion witch
  31. Your Choice!
Prompt list from 31 witches [2018]

Witch series #1 *completed

  1. Witch familiar 2019.01.08 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  2. Sugar witch 2019.02.22 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  3. Alchemy witch 2019.03.29 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  4. Creative witch 2019.05.02 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  5. Tarot witch 2019.05.06 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  6. Witch alter 2019.06.05 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  7. Pop star/Idol witch 2019.06.21 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  8. Pumpkin witch 2019.??.?? [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  9. Elemental Witch 2019.07.17 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  10. Witch Cauldron 2019.12.22 & 2021.02.14 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  11. Gamer Witch 2019.12.05 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  12. Witch kitchen 2019/12/09 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  13. Old hag 2019/12/30 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  14. Bookworm witch 2020/01/03 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  15. Palmistry 2020/02/15 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  16. Time travel 2020/??/?? [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  17. Healer witch 2020/03/02 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  18. Seance 2020/03/10 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  19. 80s witch 2020/03/16 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  20. Ouija board 2020/08/07 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  21. Steampunk witch 2020/08/13 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  22. Samhain 2020/09/09 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
🔶 Check all witch series #1 art works
Watercolors / Started Nov.01.2018 / Finished Feb.14.2021
Prompt list : "Witchtober" by Nuriyaart-san (Twitter/Instagram)

Knight Girls series

  1. Desert
  2. Pig
  3. Garden

12 Zodiac Girls

  1. [子 Ne] Rat 2022.01.16 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  2. [丑 Ushi] Ox 2022.01.23 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  3. [寅 Tra] Tiger 2022.01.01 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  4. [卯 U] Rabbit 2022.01.25 [Art print: Redbubble / Artstation]
  5. [辰 Tatsu] Dragon
  6. [巳 Mi] Snake
  7. [午 Uma] Horse
  8. [未 Hitsuji] Sheep
  9. [申 Saru] Monkey
  10. [酉 Tori] Rooster
  11. [戌 Inu] Dog
  12. [亥 I] Boar

Inktober 2021 *completed

  1. Crystal
  2. Suit
  3. Vessel
  4. Knot
  5. Raven
  6. Spirit
  7. Fan
  8. Watch
  9. Pressure
  10. Pick
  11. Sour
  12. Stuck
  13. Roof
  14. Tick
  15. Helmet
  16. Compass
  17. Collide
  18. Moon
  19. Loop
  20. Sprout
  21. Fuzzy
  22. Open
  23. Leak
  24. Extinct
  25. Splat
  26. Connect
  27. Spark
  28. Crispy
  29. Patch
  30. Slither
  31. Risk
- See all inktober2021 arts
- Prompt list from Inktober official website

Inktober 2020 *completed

  1. Fish
  2. Wisp
  3. Bulky
  4. Radio
  5. Blade
  6. Rodent
  7. Fancy
  8. Teeth
  9. Throw
  10. Hope
  11. Disgusting
  12. Slippery
  13. Dune
  14. Armor
  15. Outpost
  16. Rocket
  17. Storm
  18. Trap
  19. Dizzy
  20. Coral
  21. Sleep
  22. Chef
  23. Rip
  24. Dig
  25. Buddy
  26. Hide
  27. Music
  28. Float
  29. Shoes
  30. Ominous
  31. Crawl
- See all Inktober2020 arts
- Prompt list from Inktober official website

Inktober 2019 *completed

  1. Ring
  2. Mindless
  3. Bait
  4. Freeze
  5. Build
  6. Husky
  7. Enchanted
  8. Frail
  9. Swing
  10. Pattern
  11. Snow
  12. Dragon
  13. Ash
  14. Overgrown
  15. Legend
  16. Wild
  17. Ornament
  18. Misfit
  19. Sling
  20. Tread
  21. Treasure
  22. Ghost
  23. Ancient
  24. Dizzy
  25. Tasty
  26. Dark
  27. Coat
  28. Ride
  29. Injured
  30. Catch
  31. Ripe
- See all Inktober2019 arts
- Prompt list from Inktober official website

Inktober 2018 *completed

- See all Inktober2018 arts
- Prompt list from Inktober official website

Moe 50

  1. ねこみみ Nekomimi Digital ver. / Watercolor ver. 2021.04.26
  2. うさみみ Usamimi Digital ver. / Watercolor ver. 2021.05.08
  3. かぶりもの(マスク) Mask
  4. リボン Ribbon
  5. ショートヘア Short hair
  6. ロングヘア Long hair
  7. 金髪
  8. 黒髪
  9. ポニーテール
  10. 白ロリ
  11. 黒ロリ
  12. チャイナ服
  13. 着物
  14. 浴衣
  15. セーラー服
  16. 学ラン
  17. 体操服
  18. 水着
  19. 半ズボン
  20. スーツ
  21. ドレス
  22. パジャマ
  23. ふりふり
  24. 看板娘(息子
  25. エルフ
  26. 獣人
  27. 天使
  28. 妖精
  29. 人魚
  30. 悪魔っ子
  31. 魔女っ子
  32. 惰天使
  33. シスター
  34. 巫女
  35. 看護士
  36. メイド
  37. 先生
  38. くのいち
  39. モンク
  40. 剣士
  41. 王女
  42. 王子
  43. 双子
  44. アンドロイド
  45. 笑顔
  46. 照れ
  47. 海辺
  48. ファンタジー
  49. 木漏れ日

100 expressions

1.笑う smile 2021.04.30

5.明るい cheerful / bright
6.穏やか calm
7.ほっとする relieved
8.自信家 confident

9.余裕  leeway
10.企む brew
11.苦笑 wry smile
12.とりあわない disregard

13.気遣う worry / concerned
14.ねだる coax
15.誘惑する seduction / temptation
16.惚れる fall in love

17.ドキドキ skip a beat / pounding
18.てれる shy / awkward
19.おいしい taste good
20.あまい sweet

21.まずい bad taste
22.にがい bitter
23.からい spicy / hot
24.寒い cold

25.暑い hot
26.暖かい warm
27.涼しい cool
28.眩しい dazzling

29.痛い painful
30.苦しい strenuous / distressing
31.うなされる moan
32.熱病 fever

33.寝顔 sleeping face
34.ねぼける half asleep
35.眠い sleepy
36.うとうと snooze / doze

37.酔う drank / seasick
38.顔色が変わる turned pale(青ざめる)
39.気分が悪い feel bad
40.おびえる Frightened

41.ゾッとする Horrifying
42.しまった Oops
43.苛立つ Frustrated
44.不安 anxiety

45.沈黙 silence
46.死に顔 face of a dead person
47.暗い gloomy / dismal / sad
48.シュンとする dejected / dispirited / disheartened

49.心が痛い heart hurts
50.悩む worry
51.我慢 patience
52.淋しい lonely

53.気の毒 sorry / pity
54.悲しい sad
55.涙ぐむ be in tears
56.泣く cry

57.憎む hate
58.恨む hold a grudge
59.睨む stare
60.挑む challenge

61.悔しい frustrating
62.激怒 wrath
63.ムッとする offended
64.不機嫌 cranky / grouchy

65.妬む jealous / envy
66.困る stumped / in trouble
67.不信 distrust / perfidy
68.熟考 consider / deliberate

69.真顔 straight face
70.覚悟 dedication / ready
71.厳しい strict
72.注視する keep a watchful eye on

73.必死 desperateness
74.祈る pray
75.助けて help me
76.思い出す remember

77.思いつく  come to mind
78.見つける find
79.思いがけない unexpected
80.ポカンとする blank look / spaced out

81.ぼーっとする dazed
82.退屈 bored
83.疲れる tired
84.呆れる astounded

85.残念 regrettable / sorry
86.絶望 hopelessness
87.ショック shocked
88.ビクッとする jerk / jolt

89.驚く surprise
90.緊張 nervous
91.恥ずかしい ashamed /  embarrassed
92.ばつが悪い embarrassed

93.ごまかす cheat / cover up
94.とぼける pretend not to know
95.知らん顔 pretend to know nothing
96.不思議 wonder / strange / mysterious

97.ツンとする tsun-dere without dere
98.軽蔑 despise
99.冷酷 cruel
100.狂気 Tachibana Lita

Prompt list by (web page has gone?)

橘りた 💫 Tachibana Lita
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